Today I have came across a professional adsense blogger template.It is Specially optimized for your Adsense or other ads.This beautiful template has a professional look.This handsome template is converted from wordpress to blogger by eBlog Templates.You can View the Demo of this template Here or view the screenshot below:
The layout of this template will look like this:
- Two or Three right side columns which are easy to switch (default is three)
- Three great location ad spots (header banner 468 x 60, three 125 x 125 buttons in sidebar, and a 468 x 60 AdSense banner above the first post)
- Integrated Feedburner rss and subscribe via email sidebar module (also includes “add to favorites” Technorati link)
- Built-in live traffic feed widget from FEEDJIT
- Built-in MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog recent reader widgets
- Dynamic tabs easily created by editing the link list widget
- Search box without the need for a “go” button
- Recent posts and comments widgets
- Nicely designed individual blog post comments section
- Properly setup Blogger layout editor
So,What you say about this template:)