Harley Graffitti Blogger Classic Skin

Free Blogger / Blogspot skin / template! Click on the image to open a new window for a larger view. This template is fixed width, no nav bar and will fit on an 800x600 screen and wider.

This theme will work in "classic" mode only, it does not support widgets.

Click here to download the code. Only 12KB!!!

To install just unzip the file to your PC then copy and paste the entire .txt contents into your blogs template window after deleting it's existing contents. The images are already hosted via Photobucket, no need to download those separately!


Make sure you backup or save your existing customizations like links and sidebar addons, hit counters, etc. before deleting because they will be replaced by the new code. After installation just copy and paste your customizations back in.

Your blogs title will automatically replace the title you see in the header. The "description" will display at the top of the sidebar, edit it in your blogs "Settings" area

If you have any questions or problems please ask in the comments, don't email me directly! I will offer limited tech support thru the comments only!

For easy to follow technical help and tutorials on blogging, please visit

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Stay tuned for more free templates!

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